Air Signs:♊️♎️♒️- Y’all. Tell me why I feel like you guys already know what’s coming? You know that person you manifested but you lowkey forgot about it so they could do their own thing and you can do your own thing... well, SURPRISE! I definitely see a beautiful reunion
Between two souls who put in the work. Two souls who were okay with letting eachother go so they could work on themselves and become whole again on their own. This time I am seeing so much more balance and peacefulness. HOWEVER, I am seeing some conflict. Many of you are still
Obsessed or stalking this individual due to the simple fact that they’re filling a void for you. It’s important that you fill this void yourself so you don’t slip into those codependent habits again. I see that you’re struggling with the surrender part because you don’t believe
That if you let this person go, they won’t come back. Truth is, you gotta be okay with them not coming back. You can pray all you want but God knows what to do. Be open to all OUTCOMES. Yes they could come back but they also might not come back either. Trust the Universe. ❤️
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