Today in my state we began to open up businesses. I fear many neighbors have confused ‘start to open up’ with ‘it’s all clear!!’ cuz I saw way less masks today & way more people in lines and crowds. I’m worried for my neighbors and colleagues. This is all so ad hoc & so dangerous
I worry about state govt directives to simply put signs at the entrance to stores that say people who are exhibiting symptoms are not allowed to enter when we know for a fact that most spreaders ARE ASYMPTOMATIC. We aren’t testing & tracing nearly enough. We shall see, I suppose
Wearing a mask cuts down the odds the mask wearer will spread infected droplets. But it does almost nothing to protect the wearer from infection by non-mask wearers. Then add in asymptomatic people.

Our public health is now the honor system where no one knows if they’re lying!
Irresponsible leaders never assume responsibility for their statements. They seek blame while avoiding responsibility. Saying we are past peak when it is demonstrably not true is dangerous to our lives even if it’s not dangerous to their elections. We are rushing towards disaster
Well wishers who stress ‘wear your mask’ mean well but as a cop I’m at the mercy of my neighbors. I embrace that concept. But my stupid mask ain’t doing anything in a crowd of no masks. Day after day. We refuse to change. We are a nation where inconvenience is now injustice.
And I’m not blaming my neighbors. Not at all. I blame alleged leaders who say social distancing is akin to Nazism, that science is voodoo, that public health is a crime against the individual, that sunshine & poisons are cures, and no one needs to think of their neighbors at all
I have no time for those who say ‘how could anyone believe so and so statement’ while at the same time we beg people to trust the system & elected officials. I don’t look down on desperate neighbors foolishly thinking their leaders mean them well. I despise those leaders fully.
We elect people who openly say they are against government. We elect people who openly say they don’t want more people to vote. And now those people are making decisions about life & death. Our lives & our deaths. I see what’s happening & for the 1st time in my life I’m scared
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