Water Signs:♋️♏️♓️- I’m not sure if you can tell but many of you are going through an awakening. I feel like many of you have been feeling off lately. This might include: Feeling confused, lost, tired, sad, having many realizations, etc. Truths are coming to light and you’re also
Being exposed to inner child wounds that still need to be healed. At this time, you’re encouraged to really nurture and take care of yourself and you may have noticed that you’ve been more intuitive than usual as well. You’re calling yourself out on the bullshit and I also see
That you are putting the past behind you once and for all. The Fool card is showing me that you’re ready for something new. You’re tired of the suffering, you’re tired of old energy, you’re tried of things that are no longer serving you. Spirit hears you loud and clear! Prepare
To be amazed, the Universe has something exciting for you. Cheers to a beautiful new beginning. A beautiful new perspective. 🥂 ❤️
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