Mitzie: A potentially informational thread, for her birthday
Miriam Fischer is a public figure, most well known for her singing/acting/modeling career, but also for becoming head of Fischer Transport and Logistics- the largest shipping company in the world- after the death of her father.
There are rumors that her company is involved in the international black market. She will not confirm or deny this. Also no one actually knows how much money she has, especially not her.
She LOVES people and is very friendly. KIND of full of herself but also very generous. She likes to:
-commission giant paintings of herself
-tip like 500%
-donate all dirty money (ALOT) to charity because she doesn't feel like cleaning it
-throw huge parties u can just show up to
She can't drive but likes to take public transport anyway because she claims its "fun". Rents a big apartment and just lets people live with her. Margaret Pye is usually there but no one is sure if they're dating or what.
She got her Alter Ego Black Swan title when she helped Maggie steal a Huge Ass Diamond for clout and didn't have time to change out of her Eccentric 90's Anonymous Punk Band Attire because she was doing a show that night.
She's kind of dumb and her ideas SHOULDN'T work but somehow they all do and she's wildly successful and no one is sure if she's just lucky or some sort of secret genius.
No photo for this one but she got her start working at the Iceberg Lounge because Oswald is her dad's cousin. He hates her. She's technically never allowed back there but that sign can't stop her because she can't read.
And that’s pretty much all u need to know about her
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