loona as greek/roman goddesses based on tweet by oomf

i spent about an hour thinking and looking for the best options pls give this attention :) https://twitter.com/gayubin/status/1253748181445349376
these are just goddesses that i thought gave the same vibe as the members and there weren’t that many so things may be weird or off and many are very unknown goddesses
heejin as iris

•goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods
•also known as the goddess of the sea and sky
hyunjin as one of the three graces

•goddesses of retribution and vengeance
•jobs was to punish men who committed atrocious crimes
haseul as hera

•goddess of goddesses
•queen of the gods
yeojin as atĂŠ

•goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly
•basically a child having fun by causing trouble
vivi as aphrodite

•goddess of love and beauty
•vivi visual
kim lip as peitho

•goddess of persuasion and seduction
•many people want her hand in marriage
jinsoul as amphitrite

•goddess of the sea
•wife of poseidon
choerry as hecate

•goddess of magic, moon, ghosts, witchcraft and necromancy
•helped protect against the evil forces of the world
yves as athena

•goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and war strategy
•also very compassionate and generous
chuu as antheia

•goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes
•part of the three graces (?) and stood for trust, friendship, community and love
gowon as persephone

•goddess of vegetation and spring
•queen of the underworld
olivia hye as mania

•spirit goddess of insanity, madness, crazed frenzy and the dead
•possibly ruled the underworld for some time
end of thread - this took way too long to make
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