and is wise political mind. I am very concerned with the annexation agreement- and I suspect that the amount of vehement real antisemitism against Israel and also American Jews by the same usual Israel/Jew haters will make the time until August horrible for us paying attention
Sort of like the outrage when Rashida/Ilhan were banned from Israel but I suspect worse. As for the plan, it is obvious that Israel was going to keep the majority of the giant settlement blocks in any agreement- i just hope Israel makes a wise decision on how the map of the WB
will look. While surely Trump will influence and agree to the plan that Israel decides and will shield Israel from any short-term political harm. I think most of the short-term harm will be towards American Jews by the left- who will be demonized by the left on a plan similar to
the one proposed by Trump last year when the far-left screamed and screamed "aparteid", "bantustans" etc again without even mentioning the fine-lines - not a final agreement which would be decided in negotiations and failing to mention that the Palestinians refuse negotiations.
I hope if Israel does go through with it, Israel is wise with its plan - but if it looks like this - heaven help pro-Israel American Jews. The outrage and demonizationon the left will be-very loud along with numerous antisemitic conspiracy theories and statements. Goodluck all.
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