Don't live downwind of a power plant, industrial facility, or on trucking route.

Don't be an essential worker whose job requires increased risk of exposure.

Don't be poor.

This kind of advice right now is at best tone deaf at worst willful ignorance.
Social determinants of health is a thing.

My main way of moving right now is bicycling through my neighborhood and jump roping.

I can do the former ecause my middle density neighborhood is taking social isolation seriously and i don't live on a truck route.

When i ride
I don't have to worry about overcrowding.

I can jump rope indoors because my home is big enough and i don't have to worry about disturbing downstairs neighbors.
I can eat real food because i have a reasonably good job and I don't have to worry about food costs within reason.

I also have multiple avenues to get fresh and frozen produce delivered to my door. I can get to the supermarket without riding mass transit.
I can stay connected because I live in a part of the city with really fucking good internet.

One thing quarantine has made clear is who has good internet - even within the city and paying more than I pay - and who does not.

That's putting aside people who cant pay for home
Internet and people in rural areas where internet is expensive and awful.

When I was in the Alaskan bush in 2012, the internet was so bad that during peak times you couldn't upload a photo to Facebook.

Wondering who gets Netflix dvds still? People with shitty internet
Sleep when tired presumes you have a job with regular shifts and just one job or that you don't work swing shifts or the overnight shift, or that your employer will let you take a siesta.

It also presumes your life is peaceful enough that insomnia has never been a thing. 🙃
But overall his post ignores that the people disproportionately dying are black people and hispanic people and Native people who were fucked for the reasons i listed and which no amount of kale or collard greens will stave off. So maybe lets start with those things.
I somehow broke the thread but here you go:
Following up on my internet comment:
Also: you don't need that much space to jump rope but you need enough that I've rearranged my living room to support my habit.

But I have a livingroom. It'd have been a different story when I lived in a 225sqft studio.
He took the tweet down, after sincere discussion, but im keeping the thread up because the broader point still stands (not about him) just what we're really talking about when we're talking health.
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