Since everything else is horrible, let’s talk about 🌱 lawn-seeding 🌱 time—It’s upon us. Happy to share what I have learned in my greens-master courses.... this will be a thread.
1) if you are going to fertilize the lawn with your standard lawn fert (high NPK on the ebag like 20- 20-20 etc. You need to wait 10 days- 2 weeks to seed the lawn. You can get away with shorter (not much) if you have haD STEADY, consistent rains
2) Seed: you do not need to mix in fert- ever, nor buy $50 seed bags or any pre-mixed seed. You can simply buy a bag big enough of plain seed for your lawn (calculate square footage) and then x2 that amount in seed you have to buy. Pay attention to shade or sun mixes accordingly
3) Next: get a big bale I use PRO-MIX BX W/ MYCORRHIZAE (they are not paying me but if they would like to I would be open to it)— to mix with the seed and bonus, any left overs can be used as potting soil. Any soil designated specifically as “Potting soil” NOT garden soil works
Side note: “top soil” does it but I never promite it because it serves little purpose otherwise to enrich or feed or lighten soil but if you are used to your top soil- go for it.
TRES IMPORTANT: if you remember nothing from this thread but this, you will be better off: GRASS SEED REQUIRES LIGHT TO GERMINATE, which means DO NOT BURY THE SEED.
OKAY, we are ready we have fertilized, we have waited at least 10 days (because high # fertilizer will burn the seed) and boy has there been rain. We will now CHECK THE WEATHER, and become a slave to it. New seed cannot dry out- and seed ontop of the soil will if not watered.
We are looking not for torrential downpours but long-rains with light amounts at any one time. Grass seed can take up to 14 days ro germ but if you listen to this advice my germ rates are usually near 100 for 7 days.
Side note: on old seed. If it has been kept in a cool (not freezing, and not damp) place and has not frozen over the winter- it should be good. If it has done these things, buy new seed and mix it.
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