As I said today, the President needn't put the ball on the tee for the media in press conferences. If each conference was as short as this one, theyd accuse him of being inaccessible. Perhaps hes made himself too accessible to the point of distraction. Adjustments have been made.
Regardless, there are assholes all over the political spectrum looking for any opportunity to spike the ball on the latest hot take of something this president has just said. They are pro Trump, they are anti Trump, but they are all pro self promotion.
The truth is, Trump's statements are NEVER as eloquent, as dangerous, as ground breaking, or as malicious as anyone out their with a platform and an opinion wants you to believe.
It's all angles. It's all self promotion. And it's all anti American. These people get so bent out of shape over an interpretation of words that is ALWAYS pre-filtered to an already baked opinion that he can do no right or no wrong.
And those people hate one another, and they're the same people! This president does love this country. He does mean to do the best for the American people. And he doesn't display that in a way that makes people comfortable.
If you're not going to get or accept that today, you're never going to. He's unconventional, raw, and unvarnished. I like that. And I'll take the good with the bad to have something that is WYSIWYG.
I can understand the people diametrically opposed to Trump on policy. I can understand the people who just can't get past his demeanor, although I think it is unfortunate.
But what I can't get passed is the people so blatantly and obviously envious of his success and their pathetic obsession with putting him in his place.

Green doesn't look good on you.
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