Why is everybody overreacting to Trump’s stupid question. Y’all give him the time of day when y’all profess I don’t like him. He’s probably asking a dumb question cause somebody might be stupid enough to act upon it. He might as well address it before someone tries it. (THREAD)
Again, I’m an independent voter. Neither Rep/Dem. I just call it as I see it. Trying to be objective here. I’m standing up against stupidity. And I’m sure is not listening to mainstream media who gives false, biased information.
I was skeptical in 2016 when it came down to Hilary vs. Trump. I believed what media was telling me about Trump and Bernie was putting good word out there, but when Hilary “beat” our Bernie, I said “man it’s all over.”
I didn’t want to vote, but I honestly it’s either you go right or left. Growing up, I was raised as a Christian with conservative values, but also open minded to new things. I pride myself on that.
After these 4 years, Trump proved to me that I made the right decision to vote for him and bypass Hilary because, damn it, she’s a BIG LIAR.
But you know what, even though Trump proved himself to me, I’m still considering what Biden brings to the table. I’m also giving him a chance. And so far, he hasn’t made himself look good.
All I’m trying to say is, look for facts and evidences that doesn’t involve the mainstream biased media. Don’t even look at FOX NEWS (media that stands up for Trump). Fact check the ones u support. Use common sense on dealing with your research. U are all smart human beings.
God gave u a brain that is more superior than all living creatures that live here on Earth.
Trump’s accomplishments:
1. Lowest unemployment rate in US history 4% more or less: All time low for Blacks, Hispanics, Women, etc.
2. First Step Act - Criminal Justice Reform
3. Tax Reform: lowered Fed. Tax
4. Commitment to energy independence: crude oil
6. Signed the Future Act: law permanently funds Historically Black Colleges and Universities and FAFSA!
7. Blacks unemployed 350K fewer
8. Veterans 9.1M employed
9. Lowest youth unemployment rate in 50 years
10. US Unemployment generational law 3.6% by Feb 2020
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