#Learning #Options #Greeks
A layman explanation of option Greeks
a) Delta :
i) If delta is +0.6, it means if underlying changes by 1 unit the option changes by +0.6 units.
ii) Delta of long Call is positive (0 to 1) and long put is negative (-1 to 0)
iii) Delta of ATM call option is 0.5, ITM is between 0.5 to 1 and OTM is 0 to 0.5. ( -ve for puts)

b) Gamma :
i) If gamma is 0.10, it means if underlying changes by one unit the delta changes by 0.10 units .
ii) Gamma of long options is always positive and gamma....
of short options are always -ve irrespective of call or put.
c) Theta :
I) Theta of long option is always negative and short option is always positive.
ii) If theta is -4, it means, the option price decays by 4/252 = 0.016 per day.
iii) Theta of put is always higher than
theta of call, ie call options decays more rapidly than put options.
d) Vega :
I) If vega is 12, it means a 1% increase in volatility increases the option value by 0.12 units.
ii) Vega is always positive for long options and negative for short options.
e) All Greeks are related to each other; how it is related is quite complex ...( just for information)

Theta + (Interest rate X underlying price X delta ) + (0.5 x volatility squared x underlying price squared x gamma ) = interest rate x Value of the option
Other Greeks are also there but not that sensitive towards option price.
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