My daughter has tested positive for COVID-19. She's a grocery store worker. I feared this moment was inevitable. I am terrified. I knew that employers didn't care about employees but I am getting deep insight how little people care about essential workers. #covidtoronto 1/3
She was spat and coughed on by angry customers who were upset they they couldn't bring in recycled bags, distraught that they had to wait an extra 15 minutes to be served. Their mild inconvenience is now her life-threatening illness. She has chronic arthritis. #covidtoronto 2/3
So, she's at high risk, but she desperately needed the work, needed the money to survive. I am beside myself. To all the people who think this is "just the flu" and people are overreacting, I want to say: just wait until it happens to your kid, wait until it happens to *you* 3/3
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