So, first The Sunday Times attacked the government with a false story. Now The Guardian and Codswollop are trying the same with false claims. In the midst of a crisis these "journalists" are hell bent on trying to bring the Gov down. 72% have lost confidence for a reason.
Gov "It is not true that DC or DW are a member of SAGE. DC and DW have attended some SAGE meetings and listen to some meetings now they are all virtual" "..."They do this in order to understand better the scientific debates concerning this emergency and also to understand...
...the limits of how science and data can help govt decisions. Occasionally they ask questions or offer help when scientists mention problems in Whitehall."
Blairs advisors in 2009 during the H1N1 outbreak took a similar approach. SAGE members and attendees are always a secret, but minutes are always published after a period of time. Members are different depending on the scenario.
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