I am so fucking tired of people trying to call Louis is racist, Liam is homo/biphobic, and apparently Harry is homophobic too??, Zayn is selfish, and Niall is a sell out. Imma explain why this isn’t true.
1. Louis. I don’t feel like i have the right to explain bc i am not a person of color and i don’t want to step on anyone’s toes so if a louie who is a person of color wants to elaborate please feel welcome to.
2. As someone who identifies as a bisexual (even tho i talk about maybe being lesbian i am not i just prefer women and haven’t seen a man is ages :)) The song made me feel seen. He wasn’t agressive and in the song he isn’t the one who suggests a threesome his gf is+
2.2. he even apologized for the song because it offended some people. I also am not gonna sit here and tell a fellow bisexual how to feel about it but that’s my point of view. Also if you think body shaming him for the song is okay then you are shit person.
3. I only seen this once but someone said harry was forcing heteronormative views bc he thought a sister and a brother were on a date at a 1D concert? As soon as they said no and they were siblings he let it go. Like genuinely don’t know how to explain how this is wrong+
3.2 bc i feel like it is just known that harry is really fucking LGBTQ+ friendly?? He always waves flags of all parts of the LGBT community even when it was apparent he wasn’t supposed to.
4. If you think Zayn leaving the band was selfish for his mental health then you are a piece of shit. He wasnt happy in the band. People were racist to him. He didn’t like the spot light. He was always shy and you can see that in any interview. +
4.2 He was entirely grateful for the band. He said it multiple times. But just because you are grateful doesn’t mean that you have to love it.
5. Niall caring about charts and stream is literally human. People didn’t y’all about charts before bc it wasn’t a big thing then. Now people use the excuse that a artist not chatting is bc they aren’t a good artist so when u finally make the chart it is an achievement+
5.2 and proof that people like your music. When you work hard on something you want it to do well. Especially if it’s judged by millions upon millions of people.
Ik this thread isn’t gonna change anyone’s POV of the boys. But I am tired of all the hate they get. They aren’t getting hated on bc of these reasons they are getting hated on bc it’s easy. It’s easy to point fingers and bring down other people who are innocent+
bc they aren’t gonna fight back bc their isn’t anything to fight back instead of the people who are guilty who will fight back. They will do anything to deflect or make you forget. How about instead of hating on these kind genuine souls, you hate on the men and women who+
abused their power over other artist, or the men and women who abused their s/o, how about instead of grasping for straws you do real research and go for the people arw are actually hurting people.
anyways this was really long and i doubt anyone will read it nor will it prolly make sense. If you do and if it does. Thank you for listening i just needed to get that off my chest. Xx
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