✨ Guide to Getting Your Artist RP Partner to Draw Art for You ✨

- Wait for them to draw art for you.
- Be the world's biggest hype man.
- That's it. That's the guide. Thank your RP partners for spending time and love on you or you'll die by my hand 🔪
I will literally never forget my first WoW RP partner that ghosted me 😔 I drew them pieces of our characters that numbered well into the double digits and they never thanked me. I'm still lowkey scared to ever be that passionate again. Don't be that guy.
Specificity is good too. Looking at a piece for like four hours straight kind of makes you go crazy. Something as little as "I love how you captured their personalities" means the world to your artist friends, I promise.
At the end of the day if you go into an RP partnership w/ an artist specifically to get them to draw for you do know that I will personally bend you into a pretzel.

Nine times outta ten we can tell when that's the reason why, I promise. You are likely not the first to try.
Nothing triggered this btw my current partners are just absolute angels and I cannot believe that I ever settled for less ... 😔 Know your worth folks.
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