This ban should apply to Chomsky too!
That is not what happened. Germany was different. They had coalitions. This was the 1932 July Reichstag seats.
No one could form a government so they had a redo November.

Now pay close attention to the number of seats the NSDAP had.
At this point, the industrialists started to have back room negotiations with Hitler and Von Papen and then Hindberg handed over keys to the Kingdom to Hitler
The NSDAP didn't have a majority in November and if no one joined their coalition, they would have had to do a redo a third time. Instead of having a redo, the Zentrum party joined the coalition with the NSDAP.

What the KPD and SDP did didn't even matter.
It's a stupid talking point that is void of history that is always used to punch left. SDP and KDP didn't have to join a coalition. If no one joined a coailition, then they would have had to do a redo!

Also, ridiculous to blame Stalin for any actions taken or not taken by KPD
Yet, Chomsky never passes up an opportunity to punch left to make himself sound reasonable and adult-like.
And if you want to read what Stalin said about the German Communist party... it is a lot of kinda generic party building advice
Here also he says "make concrete plans to win over the workers"
This idea of equity, of striking at the Rights and "ultra-Lefts" with equal intensity under all conditions and circumstances, is childish. It is one that no politician can entertain - J.V Stalin
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