This is a series of interviews with a young 24-year-old lady named Amanda from California. This is the sad reality of how drugs can destroy in just a 4-month span.
She says I was just smoking weed. Some people think smoking weed is harmless But marijuana is a gateway drug because it opens one up to experimentation with other drugs such as crack.
For those people who are an enthusiast of marijuana, I stand by my comment that weed is a gateway drug. Most hard drug users use marijuana before trying harder drugs.
This woman had emotional and physical abandonment issues, mental issues, sexual abuse issues that led her to this horrible lifestyle
It not just one aspect of her life that lead her to this point. Not only did her experience living in a broken home but also her using marijuana and/or drugs as a coping mechanism lead her to this horrible lifestyle.
He made himself the benevolent white man, deciding what will be discussed, what will be heard, what will be seen from her miseries Instead of him empowering her, and making her become the heroes of her own story
As black people, we must learn to address the root causes of our issues We cannot use marijuana, drugs, and alcohol as a coping mechanism. It can only provide temporary respite from the reality of our everyday life.
Again, If you smoked weed every day, you will build a tolerance and not get as high. You likely started with perhaps one joint a day and as you become dependent on it, you need more to get the same high result When only weed fail to get you high, you began to spike it with drugs
That the same girl. Doing drugs is devastating on the body as you can see her body shaking. It looks like she was beaten up walking the streets exposing herself to the danger of the street while prostituting to get crack
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