2/ Bootstrapping life on dry land

500m years ago, all life was in the ocean. Dry land was devoid of life, until plants + fungi formed a partnership.

This symbiosis created a cascade of evolutionary forces leading to the creation of all terrestrial life, including homo sapiens
3/ Fungi effectively domesticated photosynthesis machines (algae) to harness a self sustaining food source.

We can think of these algae as little solar panels bolted onto fungal networks which made colonizing virgin dry land possible.
4a/ Satoshi bootstrapped embryonic Bitcoin

In order to colonize the internet (terra incognita) with a new form of money, Satoshi needed to form a symbiotic partnership...
4b/ How satoshi “partnered with algae” to bootstrap Bitcoin’s life on the internet

👉High early issuance rate disproportionately rewarded early adopters
👉Launched to the Cypherpunks
👉Timing launch during the 08/09 financial crisis
👉“Chancellor on the second brink of bailout”
5/ The question becomes...

Were the cypherpunks complicit and did they benefit in the partnership (mutualism)?

Or did satoshi take advantage of the cyberpunks because he needed an initial distribution strategy (parasitism)?
6/ Bitcoin enables a new economic paradigm

Just as novel organisms emerge (via speciation) to occupy newly created niches on dry land, Bitcoin evolves it’s DNA (code) to produce new phenotypes (novel features) to take advantage of new niches.
7/ Darwinian evolution rewards successful actors, eliminates the rest.

When the lion eats the antelope, no one bails out the antelope. Crucial feedback loop

Individuals are fragile, ensuring the system is antifragile.

Bitcoin enables economic evolution by natural selection.
8a/ ~65m years ago a giant meteor wiped out most life on earth (ended dinosaurs).

Fungi survived and so did a small rodent (Tenrec)

Tenrecs can hibernate for up to 9 months, protecting themselves from short term volatility which enables them to outlast competition.
8b/ Bitcoin reminds me of the tenrec. Both live underground and thrive on volatility.

Like the tenrec, Bitcoin simply needs to outlast it’s competition.

“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
― Sun Tzu
9/ Human agriculture began ~11.5k years ago

First crops we cultivated were also the best grains for brewing beer. Did we settle down for food or to brew beer?

Water harbors pathogens that often killed ancient man. Fermented drinks (beer, etc) were a safe way to stay hydrated.
10/ Ancient man formed a symbiotic relationship with fungi to produce sterile drinking options (beer)

<Without fungi, there is no beer, wine, chocolate, bread, or penicillin>

Like ancient man partnered with fungi, us moderns have an opportunity to form symbiosis with Bitcoin...
11/ “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology.” -- E.O. Wilson

Money is the most important coordination mechanism. Our fiat system is driving our species off a cliff.

Time to unfuck the money.
12/ Bitcoin is an "Extended Phenotype" for humanity

It lowers the trust required to communicate value, enabling more sophisticated cooperation.

It’s our duty to form symbiosis with Bitcoin.

Let's re-architect society based on separation of money and state aka “natural money."
13/ It all starts with individuals forming symbiosis with Bitcoin

Besides financial gain, individuals also can benefit from bitcoin in other ways.

Interestingly, the values imbued onto bitcoin seem to rub off on its adherents.
14/ As a deflationary asset, Bitcoin teaches us to delay consumption today in order to reap greater benefits tomorrow (low time preference).
15/ In a world fulfilled with uncertainty, Bitcoin provides something to be optimistic about.

Rather than change the system from the inside, we can put our energy towards a parallel system.
16/ Bitcoin forces us to take personal responsibility for our wealth, both a blessing and a curse.

In a world that doesn’t value personal responsibility, Bitcoin serves as a wakeup call.
17/ Cryptography allows us to assert our natural rights.

Free speech is the foundation of open societies. Bitcoin protects free speech, ensuring we can “vote with our money.”

Forming symbiosis with Bitcoin preserves freedoms for future generations. https://twitter.com/Bquittem/status/1106902944631287811?s=20
18a/ Opportunity cost of delaying Bitcoin?

Think of all the waste created from a fiat system. Bailouts, never ending wars, capital misallocation, etc

“We were promised flying cars and all we got was 140 characters” -- @peterthiel
18b/ What about colonizing mars? Or reducing the risk of civilization “enders” such as pandemics or nuclear war?

How about dyson spheres? Asteroid mining? Or eliminating infectious disease and infant mortality for good?

Let’s embrace the Bitcoin renaissance.
19/ Bitcoin wears risk on its sleeve.

Fiat offers short term price stability, at the expense of long term systemic risk.

Bitcoin accepts short term price volatility in exchange for long term systemic stability.
20/ Just as fungi colonized dry land to catalyze biological evolution, Bitcoin is a catalyst for human evolution.

As humble apes, it’s our duty to form a symbiotic relationship with Bitcoin.

We strive to understand this phenomenon so we may shepherd her through adolescence.
21/ Acknowledgements

Thanks to @dergigi, @Breedlove22, @nic__carter for providing notes during the editing process.

Inspiration: @CitizenBitcoin @danheld @gladstein

Thanks to the mycophiles for inspiring my fascination with fungi (the bitcoin community welcomes you)
22/ P.S. An ode to our fungal forefathers...

As humans venture forth, let us not forget the fantastic fungi.

The kingdom who gave way to all complex life on dry land, eventually producing humans who then re-discovered the mycelial archetype in the form of Bitcoin.
You can follow @Bquittem.
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