llrt i get why ppl say it so i don't take it too personally normally but I do appreciate if ppl have the energy/have something to say to me (whether you consider it important or not) that they do repeat themselves when I ask but it's not a demand ofc but i wanna listen/know
like i'm sure we all know the feeling that we're missing something or working with less information as others, and to an extent that's just something we will always have to deal with, but the problem is exacerbated when you are Deaf etc etc so instead of the feeling just being
there every once in a while it's something you deal multiple times a week or every single day even, which is way more than I think should be considered "good" or "normal," so it's a big help when I'm spared that even if just once or twice. Nobody's making me feel that way on
purpose, it's just something that adds up, like everything else does before it becomes "an issue."

There's also things we can do to lower the need for someone to ask another person to repeat themselves, a lot of it is easy and simple like tapping on the person's shoulder
do not start talking if someone is preoccupied or in another room unless you absolutely have to (like.. idk you're trapped or something) this includes if they have headphones on or smth. At the very least, do not go directly into conversation as if they are listening or can hear
you, and avoiding shouting is nice? Like if you can I think a lot of ppl much rather prefer a hand on the shoulder or knee or smth. Plus, making a habit out of starting conversation in the aforementioned situations can make it hard for the other person to concentrate when in the
same room together, because they might become sensitive to any abnormal sounds or movements being made. Ik this happens to me a lot and it's frustrating for both parties to have to ask and confirm/deny over and over again if one was talking to the other.

On /phone/ calls start
at a medium volume and go up if the person asks you to. On my end my phone call volume is always all the way up so when someone opens up speaking straight into the mic or shouting it's.. unfun,

also speaking up isn't just about volume it's also enunciation, however we don't all
talk the same and like I don't want ppl to feel bad for how they talk or say words or wtv just because i can't understand it, if that is happening writing it down helps but if you can think of other ways to say/pronounce it that usually helps
this is basic asf but speak a t me not t o me- as in face me when you're talking you don't need to make perfect eye contact or something but it do be making all da difference tho. a lot of times i might not even fully face you since I prefer to use my non-Deaf ear if ykwim
great thread maple said no one as i took my nap immediately after because my head hurtie!
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