Just thinking of the (primarily) white women in transformative fandom who will once again purposefully (negatively) interpret John's comments to say "hey look, he hates [white] women & thinks our main hobby is immature" when shippers have been harassing him for 4+ years...

Like no offense but if you see John's comment and you decide that it is an Attack on Womanhood In Fandom instead of once again, John being accused of nonsense by shippers who hate him and clapping back...

Might I suggest... You reflect on your own issues privately?
But also that you read my article where I lay out what John went through in the first few weeks of 2020 ALONE in the name of protecting white womanhood in/out of fandom FROM HIM https://twitter.com/stitchmediamix/status/1219979165627224070?s=19
(Where I said "no offense" I actually meant "full fucking offense" because it is exhausting knowing that white women in fandom will see John be sharp on Twitter or Instagram towards fandoms/fans harassing him on end and with no self awareness whatsoever go "well this hurts me".)
By the way, John's comment here and nonsense I know is already happening because fandom won't ever change are why I did this thread https://twitter.com/stichomancery/status/1253761499488751616?s=19
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