Here is a little guide to buying a washing machine in Nairobi.

(The itch to share was influenced by @Misskihoro)
Drum size is the main determining factor. There is no point of buying a washing machine, if you can't wash your blankets or coats in it. 9kgs is a good starting size. It can wash a medium-sized duvet/blanket.

Front load > Top load.
(Ask anyone with a top load)
You don't need a drier in Nairobi's weather, unless you really want to. Most front loads wring out a lot of water in their rinse cycle, your clothes (even blankets) only take 1 hr or less to dry outside.
4. You will probably never use more than 4 or 5 wash programs, no matter how fancy or complex the washing machine is.

And yes, you can wash even shoes with it.
5. Whatever brand you purchase is up to you.
But, buy from a trusted distributor instead of a supermarket because of better customer service. (eg Hotpoint. They deliver, install, and you can call their technicians for repairs)
Initial cost might be high, but it is waaaaay cheaper than mama fua.

I did some calculations, and the cost of 10 cycles is approx Ksh 250 (electricity, water + a good detergent). 10 cycles is approx single adult's laundry for the whole month.
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