Everywhere Smart dummies... just growing fat and not wiser
Lies everywhere, the average man can’t prove the things he speaks but still won’t research and find truth
Who wrote the bible? That book was written off a dogma.... Evangelist are a making a living of it LOL!
Claim it’s based on love but really it’s base on FEAR... as a control mechanism
Really tho think about it and be honest with yourself...If there wasn’t the fear of “Hell” or “Everlasting punishment” would you live according to the book?
Now you live or at least try to live by that book do you reallllly have FREE WILL?
Fuck the youths and the poor but damn “save that animal” LOL!
The earth’s flat, round, spherical... believing everything you hear Smart dummies
FUCK MONEY I WANT POWER and I’ve got a plan
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