Comments that add nothing of substance to the conversation and often serve to derail it:

1. Not all
2. No True Scotsman Fallacy
3. Whataboutism
4. Making light of the topic or doing the thing the tweet is calling out as a "joke"
5. Mansplaining
6. Hypotheticals
7. All lives matter
8. It could be worse/It's way worse elsewhere
9. Tone policing
10. Toxic Positivity
11. Sealioning
12. It's just a joke/(defensively) "I didn't intend to be offensive" (intent doesn't matter)
Ways to positively add to the conversation:

A) Ask questions in good faith & respectfully
B) Listen when people who know what they are talking about are speaking
C) Apologize if you cause offense
D) Call out abusers & harassers (not the person being abused)
E) Show support for the OP
F) Stay on topic
G) Write your own thread if this person's thread doesn't cover a related topic that is important to you. (And don't harass OP about not including it.)
H) Only explain something if you're asked
I) Read the room. Sometimes jokes aren't appropriate. Sometimes they are!
K) Remember that just bc people joke around and talk sht with their friends doesn't mean they're OK doing so with you, esp if you're not close.
You can follow @Lindsie_Rose.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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