We need to bail out the corporations!!!! It will trickle down in the form of 3% off products that you can't afford to buy because your job won't hire you back. https://twitter.com/AndrewYang/status/1253715540276895747
I am generally against helicopter money and BRRRRRRRR, but national crises really show the cracks in capitalism where joe public falls through. I'm blessed with savings and a supportive family if I fail to pay my bills,

Many are not.
Much of America is already one bad car crash away from bankruptcy, I cannot imagine the stress some people are going through right now.
They give us $1200 in bail out cash. Better than nothing. But Average rent in most of the US is ~$965 for a 1 BR.

So once you include multiple months of rent, phone, food, power/internet.

You end up with "many people are fucked and going into debt".
They won't even encourage the banks to roll mortgage payments back a few months so renters get some relief and land owners can chill.
and I get why the right is hesitant to do this. they still cling to "america needs to pull itself up by their boot straps" as they legislate from their mansions and penthouses.
FDR is remembered as one of our greatest presidents because he did the right thing establishing precedent with the social safety nets he created.
Maybe if we hadn't bled so much money in the wrong places for the last 10 years we'd have the money on hand governmentally to handle this disaster.
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