Harry is the type of cheeky dad who would pull pranks on you, secretly give you snacks before dinner, when the kids jump on the bed, he would join in and laugh along. While Louis is the type of soft dad who would tuck you in bed, sing you lullabies, protect you from the world 🥺
Harry would be that dad who would make knock knock jokes when the kids are sad but they will end up laughing because of how cringy it is, would show them all the bad dance moves just to make them laugh because he loves seeing them smile because they are his happiness 🥺
while Louis would be that dad who plays dress up with the daughters, would sit & read them books, would let the kids to use markers and let them play on his tic-tac-toe tattoo, would make them breakfast and use bacon strips to make smiley just to see them giggle in the morning 🥺
I mean they would make a great combination of parents, the best dads in the world, they just complement each other with their softness, gentleness, wisdom, lameness and how sweet and caring they are towards the kids 🥺🥺 please my heart just can't take it
this is so soft please 🥺 https://twitter.com/mysunflouwer/status/1253767676775694336?s=19
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