I've been thinking about Trump talking himself up as a "wartime president" to lead us thru this COVID-19 crisis. If this were an actual go-to-combat war, here's how he handled it:

1) He ignored warning signs that the enemy was rapidly approaching, using that time to golf instead
2) When the enemy arrived, he claimed it wasn't a big deal because there was only one casualty, and did nothing to prepare the rest of the troops to defend themselves for what was really about to happen. Instead, he continued to golf and hold rallies for himself.
3) When troop leaders urged the wartime president to do something to stop the "invisible enemy" he guaranteed there were ample supplies for all troops to know if the enemy had taken over their territory, and he promised them all the supplies to tend to their wounded. He lied.
4) When it was clear the wartime president had not acted quickly enough to protect his troops as they became wounded and died by the thousands, he boasted about his ratings on national television, and then said he takes no responsibility for the deaths of his own soldiers.
5) As the soldier body count climbs to over 50,000, he then suggests the remaining soldiers inject themselves with a deadly toxin.

This wartime president has completely failed his country, and all of his soldiers. He is incapable of being a leader, and he must go.
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