Just want to take the opportunity to thank @StepfordRail and @TwinRailRBLX for unbanning me and letting me be in their community's again - i've missed you (:

Unfortunately one discord appeal did not succeed and that was to get back on the #gothlancentralrailway discord.
the appeal did not succeed because instead of forgiving and forgetting - they decided to show utter inconsiderate and stubborn treatment towards me, as if was appealing a day after i got banned.

I will admit i created a lie where i said my friend hacked my account, and sent
horrible messages at the time of the time of the ban. Let me reassure you this was not a lie i ever wanted to create and i never enjoyed creating it ( i even explained this to the #gcr staff after my lie was busted. This resulted them advising me to break a rule which was to
create a alt account on @discord which with great discomfort when ahead a did. when i gained access to #themodsters discord, instantly became very discomforted with the fact that they told me to use this method. a few days later i messaged #cobrarailways and toby to tell them
that i did not like using this method one single bit. I asked cobra to see if the modester would let me back in after apologising. Even before all of this i contacted the modester, stating that i was very sorry for my actions leading to my ban. He responded ( screenshot )
In fact before my lie was even busted they still treated me like was banned yesterday ( stubborness, uncaring and inconsiderate
now for the main screenshot that proves i asked nicely for thomas ( themodster ) to contact me and the bad attitude written messaged that followed
The modsters reply back to asking to dm because it was important is so inconsiderate and uncaring because. 1 it might be too personal to share publicly. 2 why would anyone else want to hear a 1 to 1 chat.

I will not be returning to this community anymore because of the way
i have been treated. i advise everyone who comes across this thread to look elsewhere if they are searching for great railway game with both a great commuinty and game.

Thanks for your time. Finley.
You can follow @FJ_MSDeal.
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