Before the clock runs out on #nationalinfertilityawarenessweek, here's a word to the wise on how to love your neighbors struggling with infertility:

Infertility is a disease. This is especially important for Christians to recognize. Like with other mind/body/spirit issues, there’s a tendency to view infertility as merely a spiritual problem or an ambiguous longing. There's more to it.

Infertility is a spiritual fight – to believe in God’s goodness, surrender to His will, and prize Christ above all else. It's also a physical issue. Women and men are diagnosed with specific problems. God designed procreation, and when it doesn't work, something's not right.

To love your neighbors facing infertility, please acknowledge the legit physical problems involved. This is why "just relax" or "just adopt" advice is hurtful (the 2nd is especially terrible). Adoption resolves childlessness; it doesn't cure infertility or wipe away grief.

Better to ask, "What options have you considered?" Leave it open-ended. Pray the Lord will direct their steps as they evaluate decisions about treatments and adoption. The choices and uncertainty can be overwhelming.

Other ways to help: sit and listen, send a card, remember them on hard occasions like Mother's Day, buy them a book like Longing for Motherhood by @ChelsPat, drop off a meal ... infertile people like to eat the same as couples who just had a baby.

Point them to Waiting in Hope Ministries. We have local groups (currently meeting online), retreats, Bible-based curriculum, counseling courses, and other resources for women (and men).

God has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have the best hope to offer couples struggling with infertility. Use this struggle as an opportunity to share the gospel, to the praise and glory of his grace!

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