A thread for Hays’ Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels, about the Gospelwriters use of the Hebrew Bible

First up: Mark!

Apparently “fishers of men” also kind of means “judgers of men”, which fits in with some of my recent thoughts on evangelism as not salesmanship
Fig tree in Mark is about judgment of Gods people, by reference to Jeremiah 8:13
The mustard tree is a play on Ezekiels image of David’s line

This made me realize that John the Revelator comes by his hearing/seeing thing honestly: he’s picking up on stuff already happening for smart Jewish readers in the gospels
Hays reads Mark’s Olivet Discourse as being about not only Christ’s crucifixion/resurrection/ascension, but also about Israel’s restoration. Unclear to me whether that’s at the crucifixion, at 70 AD, or at the second coming?
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