A side-by side comparison of the Warcraft III cinematic where Arthas returns to Lordaeron with how the area looks in game before BfA
In the cinematic, the drawbridge comes after the bell tower while it seems in the game, it comes before. Here's my best take on the shot.
The open walkway with the arches
Arthas walking towards the throne room. The doors would normally be closed.
Where Arthas touches the flower petal and it turns brown. I'm sure these are the dead petals from that day.
Terenas is about to observe his son's entrance into the throne room.
The doors open
Arthas makes his way to the center of the throne room
Arthas kneels before his father
A close-up of the center where Arthas takes off his hood
"What are you doing, my son?"
"Succeeding you, Father."
Terenas's blood.
Finally, the bell in the tower, signaling the end of one world and the beginning of another.
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