A hypothesis: for live programming to scale beyond toy programs, generic low-level visualizations aren't enough.

Instead, we need Live Literate Programming: better tools for creating *program-specific* views, which communicate our higher-level understanding.
For example, consider this excellent interactive documentation by @Glench explaining his fuzzyset library.

What if we came to expect explorable explanations like this to accompany code, just as we expect code comments + docs today?

Things that could happen if it were 10x easier to ramp up on understanding large codebases:

* I could actually modify open source software to meet my needs
* onboarding time at your company plummets
* beginner programmers get more ambitious
What do you think of this hypothesis? Who's doing work in this area?

@girba's work on Glamorous Toolkit feels related...

You can follow @geoffreylitt.
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