Helped a friend launch an info product a few months back.

Dude scaled to doing 6 figures in monthly profit on ads almost instantly.

Few takeaways I had:

(This are notes for myself, but I think you’ll find them valuable. May seem basic but that’s actually the key point here.)
1 - Unique offer. He *actually* has a course that does what it promises.

He spent a year testing out the thing he’s teaching and now is basically handing it to his students on a silver platter.

A system.

It’s not just a “USP,” his product is actually different.
2 - Avoiding assumptions. He tested pricing way outside the normal range for the market and surprise worked way better than expected.

This is another big one. Don’t let everyone’s assumptions guide your decisions, they’re often wrong.

“Best practices” can be wrong
3 - Relentless focus on “one.”

One VSL. Got that to crush.

One traffic source. Got that to crush.

Didn’t worry about email blasts, affiliates, etc. at all.

Didn’t even have an upsell at launch.

Going one step at a time and doing it well works 1000x better when running ads.
Building on the last point:

If you can’t acquire customers profitably at scale, you can’t grow the business. It doesn’t matter if your LTV is $10,000 over the course of a year if you don’t have the cash flow to handle going negative on the front end.

Optimizing for “day 0” wins
Getting the first part (front end) working solves so many other problems.

I took the opposite approach for my business and regret it.

A few months back had insane ROI over time but bad front end. Made it extremely hard to scale even though I “knew” we were profitable long term
4 - Biggest point here that really ties everything together is:

Getting good at the basics.

This isn’t a fancy, high tech funnel. Nothing special.

It’s just a really good VSL and offer. Some email.

And smart media buying. Aka testing a bunch of creatives.

That’s it.
Crushing the basics is 1000x quicker and easier than trying to make up for a shitty offer/VSL with a bunch of little marketing tweaks/apps/tactics.
5 - His team is all ROI focused.

Super lean. People are running ads, writing ads, optimizing the funnel.

That’s basically 95% of the projects for the whole team of like 3-4 people.

Keeps a super high profit margin and no dead weight on the team. No office. No headaches.
All in all, it’s just a way smarter approach than what most are doing. Makes making money (that’s the goal, right?) way easier.

In a lot of ways, I think of it as taking 80/20 to the extreme.
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