2: Technology drives the #gigeconomy. No--decisions of business and policymakers shape work. The seeds of today’s platforms were planted in the 1970s as companies focused on shareholder returns and unions lost ground.
3: Gig workers are mostly millennials. No--the age distribution of the #gigeconomy is similar to that of the overall workforce, and most millennials value and hold stable jobs.
4: #Gigeconomy work is a good backup in a recession. No--the availability and earnings of gig work are inherently unpredictable, and often the first to go in a tough economy.
5: The #gigeconomy offers flexibilty. No--algorithmic management exerts a lot of control. Secure work and flexibility are not tradeoffs. Traditional employment can be flexible, and gig work could offer security.
Thanks to those whose research and work I drew from: @louishyman, @FionaGreigDC, @veenadubal, @mawnikr, @dkoust, @eehatton, @UpjohnInstitute. Highly recommend all of their work!
You can follow @shellysteward.
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