Some of the underlying dynamics that McGurk refs in this thread re: Trump have a name in comparative politics, specifically the study of authoritarian politics: acting “as if.” @UChicagoPoliSci's Lisa Wedeen coined the term in her 1999 book “Ambiguities of Domination.” 1/n
Fun fact, one of these myths was that Hafiz al-Assad was the top pharmacist in the country (sound familiar, re: Trump's line “Maybe I have a natural ability”?). Did anyone “believe” this? No. But by acting “as if” they did (e.g., by putting up al-Assad’s photo in shops)… 3/n
…the authoritarian figure was able to monopolize symbolic and discursive space. Among other things, this strategy mentally exhausted the population. This is a form of domination/control in of itself. And Trump is spectacularly effective at it. 4/n
But the point was that making the claim forced people to talk about it and laud the military’s scientific prowess; the military of course then targeted any media who mocked the machine (and the Egyptian military, by extension). 6/n
These are not just “stupid words” or “things Trump says to rile the libs up.” It doesn't matter that he is objectively wrong. These mythologies prompt obedience w/o belief (see Birx in video…by not saying anything as a medical professional she is obeying without believing). 7/n
It’s a survival strategy. And it’s a feature of many authoritarian systems. 8/n
Trump suggesting UV light and injecting disinfectants as potential cures that should be “looked into” distracts from the emergency & focuses attn on Trump. It is a/b control and domination. It reminds experts where they factor. As McGurk notes, only Trump makes policy. 9/n
This is exactly why media should refuse to cover the White House #coronavirus briefings. They’re not about information, they’re about spreading authoritarian mythologies that crowd out facts and scientific evidence during a time of pandemic. Also why Birx should resign. 11/11
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