Oh shit, the reboot of the reboot just got totally LEAKED by the toy manufacturer!😳

Kleiton’s new signature line is, “MALE ADOLESCENT!” https://twitter.com/estela3d/status/1253625830825132032
“MALE ADOLESCENT! I come from a land called Splenda. There I made a deal with an accountant to do the taxes of all the gods. I saved money for some who were deserving, and some who were not.”

(Dramatic pause)

“I audited my father.”

(Audible gasp)
“Don’t be sorry...itemize your deductions, male.”
“I AM an accountant.”

Kleiton looks to a shadowed Aretha in the doorway.

“But I am YOUR accountant no longer.”

Aretha just laughs knowingly.

“No seriously, you will need to find a new account soon if you are going to file before that whole end of the world thing.”
BUILDER, tattoos covering his slender body like a truck stop bathroom wall, knocks on the door. Kleiton opens and eyes BUILDER sternly.

“I thought you’d wear glasses, but you’re defintely the one. Just fill out my 1040ez and nobody gets hurt. You see, I can’t spend ANYTHING!”
“We’re taking my mother’s capital gains to the top of the mountain to reinvest it. She..”

ARTY’S throat catches. This is hard for him.

“She...closed her account.”
So now KLEITON and ARTY adventure through the lands of MONEYGARD looking for mergers and prom acquisitions, STEVE hanging off KLEITONS belt slapping into his ample ass dispensing shitty financial advice like, “Lets buy generic caviar” and “You can go 10 weeks on that.”
Bill Gates as OOODIN
Elon Musk as HYMENDAHL

and presenting

Michael Bloomberg as THAR GOD OF SHORT SELLING
In the final climactic scene KLEITON, ARTY, STEVE + the lovely BAEA - the Expanse warrior money manager exiled after a savings and loan scandal in ANAHEIM - go on a spending spree with BUILDER, showing him the joy of capitalism!

And STEVE posed for a tacky photo with some gold.

Wilbur Ross and Martin “PharmaBro” Shkreli play the beloved dwarves COCK and SUNDRI.

They are all about price fixing and exploitation.
KLEITON is....


Coming soon to a PX12 near you.

More teraflops than you can even imagine.


I ♄ Brazil!
Additional cast:

Jeff Bezos as CRY the god of so many billions



Trump and Pence as MAGNI and MODI

Elizabeth Warren as FAAAAAAYE
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