Could there be a more millennial experience than this? I grow up, I work hard, I try my best to crack into industries where there is no money, I finally get a dream job that I made up, and now I find myself in the bedroom where I spent my adolescence, helping my parents garden
This is a complaint but not entirely a complaint. I'm more just amazed and in the end not surprised that this is the future our generation was always building toward. And no one is less surprised than us.
Our idea of how generations work, as Americans, seem overly dependent on the idea that each generation will be better, richer, stronger than the last; and I have felt for years that the weird vitriol directed at millennials is based on the fact that we just can't.
We could never have beaten the boomers at their own game, which was about owning, growing, buying, selling, increasing your assets, your power, your prestige. Whatever we did MORE of than them would have to be something other than... just BEING more.
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