We do @Gmacchef! SEPA have been monitoring fish in the Clyde for many years, there are lots of fish and the variety of fish found has increased over the years there but they are often difficult to see. The fish in the video clip are young Thick-lipped Grey Mullet. https://twitter.com/Millers_Larder/status/1253397769236119555
The normal high rainfall we experience in Scotland means rivers are usually discoloured with fine sediment. This last few weeks has been unusually dry meaning the waters are much clearer making fish easier to spot.
They have distinct broad whitish mouths and often shoal near the water surface. They can grow up to 50cm. We have captured a few of these in the Clyde but not usually this far up, so great to see this.
In the city centre we have recorded around a dozen fish species including salmon, trout, flounder, perch, roach, eels, and lampreys. Birds including cormorants, guillemots, and mergansers come up the river, especially in winter. Common seals have been seen in the city centre!
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