Thread against the argument that Shambuk-Vadha is an interpolated part & not present in the original work of Valmiki.

This thread exposes their lie and propaganda on Shambuk Vadha and Sanatana Dharma.

Mahabharata and Purana both Shastra mentions the story of Shambuk… So all the claims of interpolation are false. The Padmapurana (Srishtikhand Chapter 32.96 and Uttarakhand Chapter 230.47) also mentions the existence of a Dwij-putra by the boon of Devtas.

Argument: "There is no mention of Shambuk-Vadha in MB". This argument is a lie. Shambook is mentioned in Mahabharat Shantiparva. Note that they hide this part and lie that it is not available in Mahabharata. This is not an interpolation.

Another Argument “Shri Ram killed Shambuk because Brahmin told him to kill”.

This argument is totally false. There is no description this. Brahmin just went to Shri Ram and said that because of you my child died just at the age of 13.

Another Argument “In Ramrajya, there is no premature death of any child but in UT a child was died. Hence UT was added later” This is again a wrong argument because the child was revived back to life.

And in this, the resurrection of the Dwijputra is not considered by the boon of the Devta but with the Dharma of Rama.

What is the problem in Devta-Prashad or reviving from Dharma? Dharma is also a means of Devta-Prashad, so there is no opposition to the Devta-Prashad and the resurrection of the Dwijputra from Rama's Dharma.

Acc. to the Raghuvansh & Uttararamcharit of Kalidas, the Brahmin son gets resurrection only through Shambuk death – Acc. to UttaraRamacharitam after death, Shambuk manifests himself in divine form & says to Ram, I'll receive the eternal status from your Prashad.

किन्तु देहात्मवादी यह नहीं समझते कि मीमांसकों के अनुसार कर्म ही फल देता है। उत्तरमीमांसा के अनुसार देवताप्रसाद द्वारा कर्म फल देता है। परिणाम दोनों का एक ही है। देवताओं का वरदान भी सत्कर्म द्वारा होता है । इसी लिए कहा गया है कि—

Here one question arises is that why Rama punished Shambuk? Here is the detailed answer about this on the basis of Shastra.

Difference between Equality in Communism and Equality in Vaidik Sanatana Dharma.

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