A word of counsel to married friends who find it difficult to love that all-too-near neighbor right now. You’re not alone. There isn’t anything wrong with your marriage that isn’t wrong with everyone else’s. We’re all finding these days very difficult. Here are my suggestions:1/x
Acknowledge that this is a trial and that it’s okay to say it’s really, really hard. Acknowledging this truth doesn’t mean you have a bad marriage or are being disloyal, or shouldn’t be together. We’re in a time of suffering, let’s not pretend we aren’t. 2/x
It isn’t disloyal or unkind to say, “I need to be alone for a while.” Take a walk. Go pray somewhere alone. Listen to music you like really loud (in your earbuds). Even the Lord needed to find time to be alone when the crowds were continually pressing in. This isn’t sin. 3/x
Pray and pray for mercy and grace continually. We are all grieving. We are all afraid, impatient, unbelieving. Pray continually for grace to love your neighbor. When you fail flee to Jesus, the only One who ever loved perfectly. Ask for forgiveness, rest in his perfect record.4/x
And finally, laugh a lot. I walked into Phil’s office the other morning and said, “What!?! You AGAIN?” And we laughed. He says, “Stop looking at me” and we laugh. I say, “Stop breathing in my direction.” And we laugh. Acknowledge that their presence is irritating and laugh. 5/x
And then, look forward to the day when we’ll all be together on the New Jerusalem and we’ll actually enjoy seeing each other. In the meantime, stick to your daily disciplines and trust the providential power and wisdom of our Lord who understands. 6/6
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