I feel like this is a requirement of running the Being Ulti account. My only ‘take’ of the week is: dating someone who plays frisbee >
1. You don’t have to ever explain your love for the game - they get it
2. Endless frisbee wear for when you get tired of your 400 jerseys
3. Someone to watch film with/workout with
4. Will (hopefully) sympathize with you after a tournament and see you attempt to go up a flight of stairs
5. Can actually help you improve your game with tips & strategy talk
6. Will willingly watch your tournaments/enjoy it and will be a good sidelines - and you get to watch them at theirs
7. Knows how hot a good inside break or shut-down D is // can both bond over your camera person missing that cool shot of you looking awesome
8. When you get bored of your lame picnic date at the park you can throw
9. Understands how much of a commitment it is to buy a new pair of cleats - “I just love the ones I have already so much”
10. Will support your Patagonia & Cotopaxi needs
11. Doesn’t question why you own 100+ discs - disc wall vs throwing disc
12. Tolerates you talking about all your frisbee desires because they get it: a reliable lefty backhand
Shoutout to my favorite man @Nick_LaRue, thanks for being my personal strength coach and dealing with me when I can’t decide what jersey I want to give love to at practice. You da best
You can follow @being_ulti.
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