The coronavirus has an outer envelope made of fat and oil. So the best disinfectants aren’t Lysol, Clorox, or any harsh chemical that hurts your body. The best way to clean yourself is with warm water and soap, which explodes the viral envelopes and washes the dead viruses away.
Since the coronavirus invades our cells, living and multiplying inside them, there is no way that washing your lungs, injecting disinfectants, or drinking anything will cure or treat you. The only thing that would do is kill or severely injure you. Please, don’t listen to Trump.
Also, when cleaning surfaces and objects, be extra careful with Clorox bleach. It harms your body if you come into contact it. When mixed with ammonia, it forms a posionous gas. Soap is just as effective at killing the coronavirus and doesn’t poison you like other harsh products.
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