It's fun when I send in the monthly name brand Concerta script my pt has taken for years, brand cuz they demand brand, only to find out they changed ins and the new ins demands generic (which we find out when we spend the time to call) and I change it to generic and they still
demand a prior auth for the generic just because (I'm talking to you, UnitedHealthcare). So now we have to contact them again to say, "hey, you know when I said my pt needed methylphenidate ER 36 mg tabs for ADHD, F90.0, the drug and dose she's taken for years? Yeah, we still
fkn need it so maybe THIS TIME authorize it?" Thanks for the absurd hoops, UnitedHealthcare.
AND THEN THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS I HAD TO ANSWER; pay close attention to the questions about brand name Concerta, which goes against what they said on the phone.
Also, I love how they have a separate bullet for ADD, which doesn't exist (and, then, in the next bullet, write ADHD and include F90.0, which is ADHD, inattentive presentation, previously known as ADD). Oh, and it's OptumRx (I guess combined with UnitedHealthcare, so I'm fckd.
Good use of my and their time in a pandemic.
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