The only way for Biden to win is to mobilize & excite the progressive base. That means real progressive representation on the ticket, and in the administration.

Larry Summers advising Biden on economic policy is concerning. Here's why, courtesy of @justicedems & @sunrisemvmt.
In his book, Reed Hundt, a member of President Obama’s transition team, recalls that Larry Summers rejected plans from the transition team to create green banks and overhaul the nation’s energy grid toward clean energy.
Summers also opposes a wealth tax.
If Biden announced key progressive personnel picks -- for VP, Cabinet, and in transition leadership -- it would go a long way towards building momentum and excitement for a Biden candidacy.
The next Administration is going to have endless work rebuilding the executive branch now that Trump has gutted it. Progressives are ready to be a resource to the Biden team -- and give them a good push if needed.👋🏼
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