@Brian_Tallerico hey brian just saw your nfl tweets as an offline lurker. so given your cravings for sports would you be interested in watching The test a documentary on aussie cricket team following a ball tampering scandal. I think there's been exactly one piece in u.s 1/n
-media about it to my knowledge and that too was a short binge it skip it guide in deadline. I think it works really great if you want to understand cricket 'the cultural phenomena' while still being a decent fly on the wall doc. and don't worry about rules there are many good-
videos to help you understand the game. and to add to this the first 3-4 episode are directed in a way that people have compared one of the character to ricky gervais in the office.
I think it can be a fun way if you want to watch something completely alien in this qurantine.3/n
speaking of alien you will be to able to witness the one true god 'steve smith' himself, from crying in press conference to well doing things which were previously thought to be impossible. just please try not to indicate in any way that baseball is more 'fun' or better. 4/n
now if you do decide to capitalize on hate clicks then there's the good old lbw(leg before wicket) rule and 543 fielding position with name varying from short leg to silly mid on, so yeah attack those if you feel like. oh i forgot to tell you that we basically made a feature- 5/n
length film to explain the rules to academy award voters called lagaan(2001) so you can watch that if you have a lots of free time(3 and a 1/2 hour) to understand the rules otherwise ping me and i will link some short educational videos. 6/n
sorry if i came across like that lady's bf who kept telling her to watch twbb. and please tag if you are not able to and you think someone who is interested and suitable. I think i have seen @NoelMu and @scott_tobias talked about sports on their tl quite a bit so i hv tagged them
too. end of thread
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