@realDonaldTrump @NIAIDNews Why is #Fauci lying about #Covid_19 not being genetically altered for gain of function/increase in virulence (ability to infect or damage the host). Basically make the virus stronger. When it ABSOLUTELY was!
In fact Nature Magazine published a study done right here in the United States at Chapel Hill which is where they genetically engineered/modified the #WuhanCoronaVirus before taking the samples back to #China
Article here:
However to try to cover their tracks, now the magazine has attached a note stating that any reference to this article showing that the #virus was modified during the study is incorrect. But don't trust them!
Trust this physician instead plz! Because as the #LameStreamMedia #MSMFakeNews always says we MUST trust scientists!


#QAnon #FireFauchi #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening
So @NIAIDNews Dr. Fauci actually broke the FREAKING LAW! There was a moratorium placed on gain of function (making a virus stronger) in 2014! Dr. Fauci broke that law by paying 3.4 million bucks to further the gain of function
of the #WuhanCoronaVirus to the P4 biolab in #WuhanChina ! You can't make this shit up! That's how he knew that the @realDonaldTrump administration would face a #pandemic during his 4yr term! Unfreaking believable!
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