Seeing a few people say they're switching YA fantasy MS to adult because they think YA fantasy is saturated, and this is generally not a good idea, especially if you haven't talked it over with your agent
Adult fantasy is a much smaller market, with very specific subgenres. If you can't find two or three strong adult comp titles published by major publishers in the past three years, your effort's best spent making it the best YA it can be instead of aging it up
The YA fantasy community is incredibly diverse, compelling, and full of great writers! There's a lot out there, but there's always room for more great stories.
I see lots of Discourse about "this specific YA fantasy should be adult" but that decision is made by publishers, not authors, in how children's books are funded versus adult books
If I had a magic wand, I would wave it and double the budgets of each adult SFF imprint. Until then, I'm not recommending YA authors switch to adult *for market reasons* (obviously WANTING to write an adult book is different)
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