People relying on conservative media or social media in the early days of the pandemic were more likely to be misinformed about how to prevent the virus, and to believe conspiracy theories, according to a new study by researchers at the Annenberg Public Policy Center
People who used social media to get their news were more likely to believe taking vitamin C could prevent Covid-19, that the CDC was exaggerating the threat to harm Trump, and that the virus was created by the US government
Mainstream broadcast + print media use correlated with higher levels of correct information and lower levels of misinformation

📺People who reported using broadcast news such as ABC News, CBS News, were more likely to say - correctly - the virus is more lethal than seasonal flu
Those who consumed mainstream print news were more likely to hold accurate beliefs about the virus, more likely to report regular hand washing can prevent infection, less likely to believe that vit C prevents Covid-19 infection or that the Chinese govt created it as a bioweapon
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