I wish people were more critical of the GH essay because: the Spotted Pig & her tone-deaf defenses of an unconscionable deal; her casual reference to an economic relationship as “family,” which we have to stop; her glorification of the role of “boss”
Basically, can we stop hearing from bosses with such extensive success and personal branding that they will undoubtedly be fine? Even as the vegan I was, I adored her memoir and learned from her cookbook. I still think she’s failed to reckon with what her Friedman move meant.
& as @kasekaiserina has pointed out, her icky feelings about doing a GoFundMe were... confusing. Are her staff ok? The ones without their own Manhattan apartments at age 21? That’s not really addressed, and it seems it should be the whole point.
This is me being diplomatic about a thing most people have enjoyed. It is a rare occasion; please mark it.
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