Harry Styles is NOT straight
Harry Styles is NOT gay
Harry Styles is NOT bisexual
Harry Styles is NOT pansexual

Harry Styles is unlabelled.

People who don’t label their sexuality are just as valid as everyone else.

Respect it.
I don’t care what you believe or what you think about him, but by invalidating this, you also hurt other completely innocent people. I as someone that doesn’t label, am sick of seeing constant hatred towards unlabelled people.
Also, saying someone is straight is also assuming sexuality, I have no idea where you think this is okay but it’s not. It’s very fucking wrong and I have no idea how you could ever think it’s okay.
I know for a fact that I am just as valid as everyone out there, but some people aren’t. Imagine them seeing those hateful tweets? Disgusting.
Pansexuality is valid.
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