Hey Tweeps I love yall and your voices so heres a quick and friendly PSA regarding Twitters community guidelines regarding content that could potentially put your account at risk of permanent suspension.
REMINDER: While I know it might be spicy to post your takes on Donald Trumps latest message to his base. Phrases like “Dr**k Bl***h do violate Twitter’s terms of use and can be reported as in-sighting violence or encouraging self harm.
Because we tweet in a space moderated by AI understand that NO MATTER THE CONTEXT, specific key words spelled in correct fashion will trigger automatic moderation without human eyes where context cannot be deciphered.
Remember, many colloquialism’s we use in the American English language can be interpreted completely different by Universal/basic English speakers. I.E. folks in Manila confusing the term “riding shot gun” as violence with a fire arm.
Tech support heavily relies on Business Proccess Outsourcing partners or (BPO for short) to handle many non complex tech support issues such as community guideline violations, and they are trained not to consider Am-Eng context or nuance before resolving tickets.
So with that being said, always be mindful of what you say. Be respectful, and understand that some tweets are best left in the drafts. Always think twice before posting. Happy Tweeting. đŸ’œđŸ„°
From ya fave Techie Gal. #BlackWomenInTech
You can follow @TheSydneyA.
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